Michigan Land Surveyors Is There A Minimum Interest Rate On Land Contracts For Purchasing A Business And Land Package In Michigan?

Is there a minimum interest rate on land contracts for purchasing a business and land package In Michigan? - michigan land surveyors

I was a package of a campsite of 165 acres in a land contract. I have 2 different attorneys say something else. 1 is that there is at least 2% interest and has the other is 4.25%. Is there a minimum age.


Ed Atun said...

Yes, you can click on the website of the IRS. It is called the applicable federal interest rate. Now you need to collect more than 3.53% of the shares in a long term loan (a loan) from the earth. 4.25% would be a great guy and are well above the minimum.

If it does not exceed a short-term loan, 2%.

kemperk said...

Amount of interest for late payment? Nonsense.

Plz ask her to the book of the law in this context names. I say there is no
Interest will be charged.

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