How To Console Someone With Herpes My Best Friend Was Just Diagnosed With Genital Herpes. How Do I Console Her? She Is Crushed :-(?

My best friend was just diagnosed with genital herpes. How do I console her? she is crushed :-(? - how to console someone with herpes

It is not the school that she is unemployed, broke and Fritz with her boyfriend of over 2 years. It was the worst luck summit just recently. I am sooo incredibly awful for her, and I want to comfort her, I have no experience with this, and I am not saying to do the wrong thing. Do I need a little something to applaud? What should I do? She is my best friend :-( You have a drinking problem, I do not want to ruin his life.


Bot 23 said...

Disapproval of the school? Unemployed? Broke? On the Fritz with her boyfriend? Drinking problem? In addition to all that she has an incurable disease sexualy transimited? I guess all I can say is that "you can not get much worse from here.

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